a Committee of    

       Dog Obedience S.A.

   Trial & Event Schedules 2023

           ______________     and  catalogues in advance of trials     ____________________



 Obedience clubs



 Trial results

Judges' list
(& SACA Reps.)

 Competition Rules 

SACA Awards

SACA Awards Rules:

Entry Forms
& Judges' Scoresheets

Height Measuring



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see the 'Results' page for Marked catalogues  

DogsSA's Hot Weather policy
Many of these catalogues are large files, usually because of embedded graphics, 
so in the interests of not exceeding the web-site's upload/download quota, it would be appreciated
if as many people as possible would join the local Obedience on-line interest group and access/
download their catalogues from the Dog Obedience South Australia Facebook page

Where files are particularly large, this page will link to the .pdf format, being a smaller file,
and the Word version made available in the Facebook group's Files :
i.e: often a bigger file, more easily edited to taste, but not so accessible on Macs/Phones.
                                   All approved schedules are available on the DogsSA 'Events' page:  

  Any difficulties experienced in viewing/downloading these files should be reported to the  web manager

Host Club/Venue                 Date                                Schedule / Catalogue
     Para District O.D.C.                 Monday March 10th                                   Schedule                                
              Rally & Tricks Trials                  Rally commencing 9 a.m. and Tricks @ 12.30 p.m.          Entries close Feb. 24th on TopDog

     Munno Para D.O.C.                  Saturday March 22nd                                 Schedule                                
                double Rally trial                      commencing 10 a.m. and not before 1 p.m.                  Entries close March 8th on k9                        
    South Australian O.D.C.        Sunday April 6th                                        Schedule
     Obedience, Rally & double Tricks     commencing 10 a.m. and not bef. 1 p.m.                       Entries close March 14th on k9
